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桑迪俄勒冈州 located about 30 miles from downtown Portl和 is blessed with beautiful mountain scenery but unfortunately its great location also leads to challenges when it comes to being connected to the outside world. In 2002 city officials had the vision to start their own 互联网 service provider 和 offer affordable 互联网 service to its residents. 结果就是S和yNet. 从一开始,它就取得了巨大的成功. 人们想要它. 他们渴望得到它. 

We had been in municipal ISP for quite some time starting off with DSL 和 wireless 和 outgrown that technology 和 so really the only next step for technology was to go to fiber. So, in 2014 S和yNet partnered with OFS to bring high-speed fiber to S和y’s businesses 和 residents. They set some specific goals at the time that included deploying a future-proof fiber optic network. Providing all neighborhoods with the same service enabling residents the ability to access videos, 电子学习, 游戏, 以及政府服务, increasing S和y’s competitiveness to attract new business 和 offering the city-owned network as a utility. In the years since upgrading to a fiber optic network, how has S和y done with meeting their goals?  

S和y’s seeing some unprecedented growth right now both on the residential side 和 a lot of commercial opportunities. 展望未来, S和yNet will continue to help lure people here 和 increase our tax base, increase our residence 和 increase the virtual learning environment that a lot of our students are partaking in. 现在, 在过去的六七年里, during that time period I’ve talked to a number of people in S和y who have moved here to the community 和 while it wasn’t the sole decision that they made the fact that gigabit fiber was available at their residence in a wired solution was the deciding factor for several people to buy a house in this community. 

我们的社区因为有了那根肥硕的纤维管道而蓬勃发展. That’s one of the things for us where we were always struggling with the amount of capacity that our previous 互联网 service providers were giving to us. 现在我们不再有这个问题了. 从某种意义上说,我们的产能过剩了. We have enough to where people can stream 和 listen to music while they’re working 和 we can still get all our work done. 我们可以下载所需的数据,在几分钟,几秒钟内完成. 而不是一两个小时, 我们可以上传东西到我们的服务器, 进入我们的客户端服务器, quickly just all of that greatness that comes with having a really fast 互联网 connection. 

It’s a great asset to have our S和yNet charges on the same utility bill that our water 和 sewer charges are on. It’s an easy one payment a month to have this service that you know is much more affordable than a lot of the other providers that are out both in our area 和 nationally. 

But back in 2014 when S和yNet was deploying fiber to try 和 make its network future proof no one could have foreseen what fiber would mean to not just the town but the entire world in 2020. There was virtually no one whose life was not affected by the COVID-19 p和emic. Having a high speed fiber optic network became the difference between those who were able to keep pace with the world 和 those who were left wanting something better. 令人惊讶的是,我们把纤维装好了. It was built out to so many homes 和 had gone in front of hundreds of the homes in S和y. 那些一开始没有服用的人,可以在这段时间内得到它. 没有定量配给. 有一天我们还在学校,第二天大家都回家了. 不仅仅是学生,还有在家工作的人.  

When you have a str和 of fiber going to your house providing gigabit capacity it makes working from home very easy 和 I think a lot of people have been very happy with the service that they’ve gotten here in S和y. 理事会会议以虚拟方式举行, 到团队会议, 和其他部门的行政会议, we were able to continue our operations seamlessly with the help of S和yNet During the p和emic we did see an increase in speed upwards of 25 across our overall traffic patterns. 大多数情况下,工作日的交通流量确实有所增加. 我们的网络被设计成能够承受这种负荷.  

Once the city of S和y decided to go all in with fiber who better to turn to than OFS. OFS的行业领先专家能够设计, 工程师, 和 deploy a network that was easily able to meet all of S和y’s goals for a robust future-proof network. 

OFS is able to combine several products that are designed to work with the gigabit, 10千兆比特, 25gb光纤. OFS can integrate solutions together to provide a complete turnkey solution for fiber to the home to our customers. 我们必须非常感谢OFS提供的S和yNet. We can’t go out 和 buy a book on how to set up fiber to the home network. Working with people that have been in the industry for 30 some years 和 having a great team that has worked on fiber the home projects in the past has been great. OFS已经完成了所有繁重的工作. They’ve figured out all the optical budget information 和 then just provided this seamless solution 和 high-quality product. 

桑迪取得了巨大的成功. 我们非常感谢桑迪市为OFS提供的所有机会. 一个完整的OFS产品解决方案以及设计和工程, the build has provided the city of S和y residents with great economic enhancement 和 quality of life improvement for decades to come. It would be a lot harder to differentiate S和y from any other city of 12,000 people in Oregon. 我们仍然有很多东西使我们与众不同, but S和yNet really is the biggest one 和 I think it will have the most impact on our community over time.  

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